The Best Motherfucking Pasta ever made

one day i wake up and i saw that that my sister and my mom and my dad were gone i went downstairss and i cryed because they were dead
my sister was in a pool of blood there was so much blood everywhere guts and organs were everywhere her clothese were soaked with her blood her eyes were pulled out and her hair was to
i cryed and ran and i found my mom she had a knife shoved in her chest there was blood a pool of blood everywhere n i found my dad with a screwdriver shoved up his large harry anus and dhere was blood everwere oh my godd i start to run and found the KILLER
there was a little girl witha pale face and no eyes she wore wore a white gown drenhed with blood and she had a nife in her hand with blood on it
she held the nife in my dierection n threw it i died and she ran awiy now im a gohst telling u this storie because SHE IS BEHINDE YOU........